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Module weheartpy.weheartpy



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import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

from .handler import Error, NoCollectionsFound, NoPostsFound, ConnectionError, NoUsersFound

from .models import Entry, Collection, User

class WeHeartIt():


    the WeHeartIt class.

    eg. instantiating the class:


    whi = WeHeartIt()

    popular_posts = whi.popular()



    def __init__(self) -> None:

        err = requests.get("")



        except requests.HTTPError:

            raise ConnectionError(f"The API cannot connect to\nREASON: {err.reason}\nhelp: Try checking your network connection.")

        self.status = err.status_code

        self.url = err.url

    def popular(self) -> list[Entry]:


        return a list of ``Entry`` objects of the popular images.




        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.popular()

        for entry in entries:







        res = requests.get("")

        res = bs(res.text)

        images = res.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        entries = []

        for img in images:

            image = f"{img['data-entry-id']}/original.jpg"

            entry = Entry(id=int(img['data-entry-id']),





        if len(entries) == 0:

            raise NoPostsFound('No posts were found. This might be a useragent or a website problem. Are you sure still has a popular images section?\nSOURCE: WeHeartIt.popular | match case "low"\n')


        return entries

    def search_collections(self, query: str) -> list[Collection]:


        return a list of ``Collection`` objects resulting from the query.


        from weheartpy import WeHeartIt

        whi = WeHeartIt()

        cocs = whi.search_collections("anime pfp")

        for c in cocs:




        res = requests.get(f"{query}&sort=most_recent")

        find = bs(res.text)

        atags = find.find_all('a', {'class':'js-blc js-blc-t-collection collection-name text-overflow-parent'})

        collections = []

        for a in atags:

            link = a['href']

            pop = bs(str(a))

            title = pop.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-primary'})

            title = (title[0]).text

            username = pop.find_all('small')

            username = (((username[0]).text).replace('by @', '')).strip()

            collections.append(Collection(username=username, title=title, link=link))

        if len(collections) == 0:

            raise NoCollectionsFound("the API could not find any collections with that query! Try with something else.")


        return collections

    def search_entries(self, query: str, sort: str=None) -> list[Entry]:


        returns a list of ``Entry`` objects according to your search query.

        + params

        + + sort: `str`: sort the type of entries. Only one option `most_popular`. When left empty the API will go for most recent instead.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.search_entries("mean girls", sort="most_popular")

        for entry in entries:

            print(entry.image, entry.url, entry.username)



        url = f"{query}" if sort == None else f"{query}&sort=most_popular"

        res = requests.get()

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'js-entry-detail-link js-blc js-blc-t-entry'})

        usernames = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        rentries = []


            for e, u in zip(entries, usernames):

                image = "" + u['data-entry-id'] + "/original.jpg"

                id = int(u['data-entry-id'])

                entry = Entry(id=id, title=e['title'], username=u['data-hearter-username'], entry=e['href'], image=image)



            raise NoPostsFound("Could not find any entries related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your search query."); return

        return rentries

    def search_users(self, query: str) -> list[User]:


        returns a list of ``User``s according to search query. The number of users is limited to top 40 users thats relevant to your search query. The ``User`` object will return users usernames, names and links to their avatars.

        + params

        + + query: `str`: search query that you'd like to search.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        hearters = whi.search_users("sophie")

        for user in hearters:

            print(, user.username, user.avatar)



        res = requests.get(f"{query}")

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-overflow'})

        users = []

        for e in entries:

            e = bs(str(e), features="lxml")

            name = (e.find('span', {'class': 'text-big'})).text.strip()

            username = (e.find('small')).text[1:]

            avatar = find.find('img', {'alt': f'{name}', 'class': 'avatar'})

            avatar = avatar['src']

            users.append(User(username=username, name=name, avatar=avatar))

        if len(users) == 0: raise NoUsersFound("weheartpy could not find any users related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your query.\n"); return

        return users



class WeHeartIt(

View Source
class WeHeartIt():


    the WeHeartIt class.

    eg. instantiating the class:


    whi = WeHeartIt()

    popular_posts = whi.popular()



    def __init__(self) -> None:

        err = requests.get("")



        except requests.HTTPError:

            raise ConnectionError(f"The API cannot connect to\nREASON: {err.reason}\nhelp: Try checking your network connection.")

        self.status = err.status_code

        self.url = err.url

    def popular(self) -> list[Entry]:


        return a list of ``Entry`` objects of the popular images.




        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.popular()

        for entry in entries:







        res = requests.get("")

        res = bs(res.text)

        images = res.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        entries = []

        for img in images:

            image = f"{img['data-entry-id']}/original.jpg"

            entry = Entry(id=int(img['data-entry-id']),





        if len(entries) == 0:

            raise NoPostsFound('No posts were found. This might be a useragent or a website problem. Are you sure still has a popular images section?\nSOURCE: WeHeartIt.popular | match case "low"\n')


        return entries

    def search_collections(self, query: str) -> list[Collection]:


        return a list of ``Collection`` objects resulting from the query.


        from weheartpy import WeHeartIt

        whi = WeHeartIt()

        cocs = whi.search_collections("anime pfp")

        for c in cocs:




        res = requests.get(f"{query}&sort=most_recent")

        find = bs(res.text)

        atags = find.find_all('a', {'class':'js-blc js-blc-t-collection collection-name text-overflow-parent'})

        collections = []

        for a in atags:

            link = a['href']

            pop = bs(str(a))

            title = pop.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-primary'})

            title = (title[0]).text

            username = pop.find_all('small')

            username = (((username[0]).text).replace('by @', '')).strip()

            collections.append(Collection(username=username, title=title, link=link))

        if len(collections) == 0:

            raise NoCollectionsFound("the API could not find any collections with that query! Try with something else.")


        return collections

    def search_entries(self, query: str, sort: str=None) -> list[Entry]:


        returns a list of ``Entry`` objects according to your search query.

        + params

        + + sort: `str`: sort the type of entries. Only one option `most_popular`. When left empty the API will go for most recent instead.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.search_entries("mean girls", sort="most_popular")

        for entry in entries:

            print(entry.image, entry.url, entry.username)



        url = f"{query}" if sort == None else f"{query}&sort=most_popular"

        res = requests.get()

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'js-entry-detail-link js-blc js-blc-t-entry'})

        usernames = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        rentries = []


            for e, u in zip(entries, usernames):

                image = "" + u['data-entry-id'] + "/original.jpg"

                id = int(u['data-entry-id'])

                entry = Entry(id=id, title=e['title'], username=u['data-hearter-username'], entry=e['href'], image=image)



            raise NoPostsFound("Could not find any entries related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your search query."); return

        return rentries

    def search_users(self, query: str) -> list[User]:


        returns a list of ``User``s according to search query. The number of users is limited to top 40 users thats relevant to your search query. The ``User`` object will return users usernames, names and links to their avatars.

        + params

        + + query: `str`: search query that you'd like to search.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        hearters = whi.search_users("sophie")

        for user in hearters:

            print(, user.username, user.avatar)



        res = requests.get(f"{query}")

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-overflow'})

        users = []

        for e in entries:

            e = bs(str(e), features="lxml")

            name = (e.find('span', {'class': 'text-big'})).text.strip()

            username = (e.find('small')).text[1:]

            avatar = find.find('img', {'alt': f'{name}', 'class': 'avatar'})

            avatar = avatar['src']

            users.append(User(username=username, name=name, avatar=avatar))

        if len(users) == 0: raise NoUsersFound("weheartpy could not find any users related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your query.\n"); return

        return users


def popular(
) -> list[weheartpy.models.Entry]

return a list of Entry objects of the popular images.


whi = WeHeartIt()
entries = whi.popular()
for entry in entries:
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    def popular(self) -> list[Entry]:


        return a list of ``Entry`` objects of the popular images.




        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.popular()

        for entry in entries:







        res = requests.get("")

        res = bs(res.text)

        images = res.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        entries = []

        for img in images:

            image = f"{img['data-entry-id']}/original.jpg"

            entry = Entry(id=int(img['data-entry-id']),





        if len(entries) == 0:

            raise NoPostsFound('No posts were found. This might be a useragent or a website problem. Are you sure still has a popular images section?\nSOURCE: WeHeartIt.popular | match case "low"\n')


        return entries


def search_collections(
    query: str
) -> list[weheartpy.models.Collection]

return a list of Collection objects resulting from the query.

from weheartpy import WeHeartIt
whi = WeHeartIt()
cocs = whi.search_collections("anime pfp")
for c in cocs:
View Source
    def search_collections(self, query: str) -> list[Collection]:


        return a list of ``Collection`` objects resulting from the query.


        from weheartpy import WeHeartIt

        whi = WeHeartIt()

        cocs = whi.search_collections("anime pfp")

        for c in cocs:




        res = requests.get(f"{query}&sort=most_recent")

        find = bs(res.text)

        atags = find.find_all('a', {'class':'js-blc js-blc-t-collection collection-name text-overflow-parent'})

        collections = []

        for a in atags:

            link = a['href']

            pop = bs(str(a))

            title = pop.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-primary'})

            title = (title[0]).text

            username = pop.find_all('small')

            username = (((username[0]).text).replace('by @', '')).strip()

            collections.append(Collection(username=username, title=title, link=link))

        if len(collections) == 0:

            raise NoCollectionsFound("the API could not find any collections with that query! Try with something else.")


        return collections


def search_entries(
    query: str,
    sort: str = None
) -> list[weheartpy.models.Entry]

returns a list of Entry objects according to your search query.

  • params
    • sort: str: sort the type of entries. Only one option most_popular. When left empty the API will go for most recent instead.
whi = WeHeartIt()
entries = whi.search_entries("mean girls", sort="most_popular")
for entry in entries:
        print(entry.image, entry.url, entry.username)
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    def search_entries(self, query: str, sort: str=None) -> list[Entry]:


        returns a list of ``Entry`` objects according to your search query.

        + params

        + + sort: `str`: sort the type of entries. Only one option `most_popular`. When left empty the API will go for most recent instead.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        entries = whi.search_entries("mean girls", sort="most_popular")

        for entry in entries:

            print(entry.image, entry.url, entry.username)



        url = f"{query}" if sort == None else f"{query}&sort=most_popular"

        res = requests.get()

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'js-entry-detail-link js-blc js-blc-t-entry'})

        usernames = find.find_all('a', {'class': 'entry js-blc js-blc-t-heart btn-heart btn btn-heart-circle js-heart-button'})

        rentries = []


            for e, u in zip(entries, usernames):

                image = "" + u['data-entry-id'] + "/original.jpg"

                id = int(u['data-entry-id'])

                entry = Entry(id=id, title=e['title'], username=u['data-hearter-username'], entry=e['href'], image=image)



            raise NoPostsFound("Could not find any entries related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your search query."); return

        return rentries


def search_users(
    query: str
) -> list[weheartpy.models.User]

returns a list of Users according to search query. The number of users is limited to top 40 users thats relevant to your search query. The User object will return users usernames, names and links to their avatars.

  • params
    • query: str: search query that you'd like to search.
whi = WeHeartIt()
hearters = whi.search_users("sophie")
for user in hearters:
        print(, user.username, user.avatar)
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    def search_users(self, query: str) -> list[User]:


        returns a list of ``User``s according to search query. The number of users is limited to top 40 users thats relevant to your search query. The ``User`` object will return users usernames, names and links to their avatars.

        + params

        + + query: `str`: search query that you'd like to search.


        whi = WeHeartIt()

        hearters = whi.search_users("sophie")

        for user in hearters:

            print(, user.username, user.avatar)



        res = requests.get(f"{query}")

        find = bs(res.text, features="lxml")

        entries = find.find_all('span', {'class': 'text-overflow'})

        users = []

        for e in entries:

            e = bs(str(e), features="lxml")

            name = (e.find('span', {'class': 'text-big'})).text.strip()

            username = (e.find('small')).text[1:]

            avatar = find.find('img', {'alt': f'{name}', 'class': 'avatar'})

            avatar = avatar['src']

            users.append(User(username=username, name=name, avatar=avatar))

        if len(users) == 0: raise NoUsersFound("weheartpy could not find any users related to that search query. Try again with a different one or check your query.\n"); return

        return users